Kitchen doors and Windows are well chosen to make cooking a pleasure!
发布时间: 2023-09-04
浏览次数: 2678

Due to the kitchen a lot of smoke environment, so in the choice of doors and Windows should pay special attention to, a good door and window can not only make the appearance of the kitchen level rise at the same time can also make the cook happy, the kitchen pays attention to ventilation and lighting, today Xiaobao detailed about the kitchen doors and Windows should be selected, I hope to help you!

Kitchen door selection tips

Normally, it is recommended to choose the kitchen door as the main flat door, because the kitchen uses the flat door to open the door will occupy more indoor space, which is relatively occupied for a small area of the kitchen, and it is easy to hinder travel. The choice of sliding door because it is opened in the form of push and pull, so it can save more space, while the vision of the sliding door is more open, the sense of lighting can be said to be clear, but also to meet the needs of division can be said to be two birds with one stone.

Sealing performance is very important

The kitchen is the worst area of oil smoke, if the doors and Windows are not sealed well, it will lead to oil smoke scurriness, and finally lead to the whole home. At the same time, the fume is not only difficult to clean but also affects the health of the family, so the sealing of doors and Windows can be said to be a very important part, so the sliding door must choose a good sealing sliding door, which can greatly improve the sealing of the sliding door.

Easy track cleaning Kitchen cleaning

is always a headache. In our cooking projects, due to the complex and diverse ingredients, it is inevitable that waste will be generated. Once some subtle garbage falls into the track of the sliding door, it is often difficult to clean up, and over time it will affect the normal use of the sliding door.

Kitchen window

If the kitchen space is larger, it is also a good choice to do casement Windows, which is more suitable after the larger kitchen area. In addition, the kitchen with a small area is recommended to use a sliding window, because it is relatively appropriate to consider the area. However, this window demand is actually different from person to person, each window has its benefits, the kitchen window is not like the kitchen door which is a hard demand, so more flexible. 
